Explore what events are happening at Sovereign Harbour.

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Berth holder summer party - save the date!


We are excited to share the date for this year’s summer berth holder party! Join us on Saturday 6th September at Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club for an evening of live music and entertainment, delicious food and drink and great company. Full details to be announced soon...

Eatbourne Seasafety Daveclare Mixedcontent

Sea Safety Day - thank you!

We want to thank everyone that joined us for another successful Sea Safety Day this month. The event included a man overboard demonstration from our marina team and volunteers from the RNLI, followed by a talk from healthcare professional Roy Hopgood about the steps to take following a man overboard scenario.

We were also joined by Nickys Chandlery, RNLI volunteers and the Sovereign Harbour Berth Holder's Association - plus, hot drinks and pastries all around! 

Thank you to Dave Clare for photography of the event.

Urban Beach 940

What's on at The Waterfront?

  • Spring Artisan Market – Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March
  • Easter Egg Hunt around the Harbour - Good Friday to Easter Monday
  • May Artisan Market – Saturday 10th May
  • Urban Beach - opens end of May
  • Plus an array of car events every month over the summer
Explore what's on at The Waterfront

We look forward to a fun season ahead!