We will soon be undertaking an essential large scale refurbishment of the West Bridge access ramp at Brighton Marina.

Brighton Westbridge Mixedcontentblock

To complete the works, access onto the West Jetty via the West Bridge access ramp will be restricted from Wednesday 19th March for approximately 12 weeks, subject to weather conditions. 

For the duration of the works, access onto the West Jetty will be available via a temporary walkway installed between pontoons 5 and 6, accessed on the western side of the West Bridge near The West Quay Wetherspoon pub.

Temporary signage will be in place onsite and a modified map is available to view for additional guidance. 


Parking at the top section of the access ramp to the West Bridge will also be restricted for the duration of the project to allow for equipment and material deliveries. Access across the West Bridge will be restricted to emergency use only.

Due to the nature of the works, please be aware of increased noise between 09:00 and 16:00 on various days throughout the project and increased presence of contractors and materials onsite.

We thank you for your understanding as we undertake this necessary work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our marina team.