Prices and tariffs at Trafalgar Wharf
Find prices and tariffs for all our services below, including indoor dry stack berthing and boat storage options.

Indoor dry stack berthing
To find out more about the berthing rates for dry stack and boat storage at Trafalgar Wharf, download the berthing rates and charges here.

All of our marinas include first-class facilities, water and electricity on the pontoons, Wi-Fi, 24-hour security, parking, a full-service boatyard along with a place to enjoy a hot drink or meal and recycling facilities.
Annual berthing includes
- Loyalty Reward
- Boatyard Reward
- Fuel at cost
- 42 visitor nights at any Premier Marinas
- Unlimited day visits to Premier Marinas
- Up to eight weeks storage ashore
- Sea Start benefits
- Exclusive benefits with Premier Marine Insurance
Annual dry stack includes
- Loyalty Reward
- Fuel at cost
- Unlimited lift and launch services
- Full Sea Start membership
- 42 visitor nights at any Premier Marinas
- Unlimited day visits to Premier Marinas
- Exclusive benefits with Premier Marine Insurance