Lock procedure at Brighton Marina
In addition to the outer marina at Brighton, there is an Inner Harbour, which is accessed via lock gates on the east side of the marina. The Inner Harbour can house craft with a draft up to three metres.
Brighton’s lock operates on demand from 07:00-19:00hrs throughout the year. Later locking times may be possible by agreement in the summer months. The lock is controlled by Premier’s expert marina team. Please familiarise yourself with the locking procedure below.

Locking in
On your approach to Brighton Marina, please call the marina on VHF Channel 80 or 37 and request a lock in. Please note that during peak periods there may be a short wait to enter the lock. Monitor VHF Channel 80 or 37 and please follow the instructions from the marina team.

Inside the lock
Inside the lock there is a floating pontoon. You should enter on the port side going into the Inner Harbour. Tie up securely using the lines fitted to the pontoon cleats or your own mooring lines. Ensure you are clear of the gates and cills at either end of the lock. The marina team are on hand to advise if needed.

Locking out
Please pay for berthing at the marina reception before locking out and return any access fobs at the same time. When you are ready to leave the Inner Harbour, call Brighton Marina on VHF Channel 80 or 37 to arrange your lock out. Follow any instructions from marina staff and tie up securely as described above.
Brighton Marina features
Brighton Marina has all the services you’d expect from a premium marina.
Personal bathrooms
Individual luxury shower roomsWater
Water is available free of charge across the siteLaundry
Card-operated contactless washing and drying machinesPump-out
Holding tank pump-out facilities