Dry stack storage
Dry stack berthing for sports boats, power boats, sport-fishers and RIBs at five locations along the South Coast of the UK including Europe's largest indoor facility.
Launch your boat via the Premier App
Easier than launch and recovery from a trailer, dry stack boat storage is ideal for craft between 5 and 13 metres. Easy and convenient, your boat is stored ashore in a secure, purpose-built storage rack and simply launched when needed, typically with just an hour’s notice.
Simply click the play button to see how easy launching your boat is using the Premier App.

Dry stack
Not only does it ensure your boat is ready when you need it, dry stacking also helps to keep your boat in great condition especially at our Trafalgar Wharf indoor facility. As well as being stored away from the corrosive effects of salt water, your boat’s hull is washed after every use. This reduces the need for costly antifouling, improves fuel efficiency as well as helping protecting resale values.

All of our dry stack marinas include first-class facilities, 24-hour security and parking along with a place to enjoy a hot drink or meal and recycling facilities.
Annual dry stack berthing includes
- Loyalty Reward
- Fuel at cost
- Unlimited lift and launch services
- Full Sea Start membership
- 42 visitor nights at any Premier Marinas
- Unlimited day visits to Premier Marinas
- Exclusive benefits with Premier Marine Insurance